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1) "frauen imaginieren gott: datenstrukturen: oesterreichs hoechster wert"

offline: 1 c-print 100*100 cm von ingrid moschik, kulturzentrum bei den minoriten, graz

vernissage: mittwoch, 22.mSrz, 20 00

ausstellungsdauer: 23.mSrz - 8.juni 95

2) "datastructures: datastructures: austrian values"

online: 12 c-graphics by ingrid moschik, http://www.iic.wifi.at

begining: 95 03 22 20 00

ending: unlimited

3) "ATB - Datenbank"

offline: pc-installation mit 145 c-graphiken und 2 computer-prints a 150*120 cm von margot pilz, kunsthandlung sommer, graz

vernissage: dienstag, 4. april 95, 18 00 - 21 00

ausstellungsdauer: 6. juni 95

4) "ATB - Datenbank"

online: 12 from 145 c-graphics by margot pilz, http://www.iic.wifi.at

begining: 95 04 04 18 00

ending: unlimited

5) "52 KOEPFE"

online: 12 from 52 c-graphics by herbert schager, http://www.iic.wifi.at/comart/comart.htm

begining: 95 05 10 18 00

ending: unlimited

6) "12 Territorien"

online: 12 c-graphics by markus riebe, http://www.iic.wifi.at/comart/comart.htm

begining: 95 06 12 18 00

ending: unlimited

7) "Digital Expressions"

offline: 30 c-graphics by gm kindlinger, 30 c-graphics by ingrid moschik, Studio Tommaseo, Via del Monte 2/1,Trieste

begining: 95 06 23 19 30

ending: 95 07 03

8) "Und nachts ..."

online: 12 c-graphics by helga schager, http://www.iic.wifi.at/comart/comart.htm

begining: 95 07 04 18 00

ending: unlimited


online: 12 c-graphics and 12 global links by gm kindlinger, http://www.iic.wifi.at/comart/comart.htm

begining: 95 08 16 18 00

ending: unlimited


online: 10 c-graphics to 10 c-graphics by gm kindlinger, http://www.iic.wifi.at/comart/comart.htm

begining: 95 09 29 18 00

ending: unlimited

11 11 11 graz 15 00