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1) "datenstrukturen: Gerhard Ruehm" online: communication project by Gerhard RUEHM, Ingrid MOSCHIK and GM KINDLINGER on http://kultur.wkstmk.at/comart/Gerhard-Ruehm/Gerhard-Ruehm.htm begining: 02 02 24 19 30 ending: unlimited

2) "datenstrukturen: Inge Morath in Graz" online: communication project by Inge Morath in memoriam, Gunter Bauer, Ingrid MOSCHIK and GM KINDLINGER on http://kultur.wkstmk.at/comart/Inge-Morath/Inge-Morath.htm begining: 02 03 10 19 30 ending: unlimited

3) "datenstrukturen: aktuelle kunst in graz" online: communication project by Ingrid MOSCHIK, GM KINDLINGER and artists/galerists/guests on http://kultur.wkstmk.at/comart/aktuelle-kunst/graz-2002.htm begining: 02 04 21 19 30 ending: unlimited

4) "datenstrukturen: Kunsthaus-Graz" online: communication project by Ingrid MOSCHIK and GM KINDLINGER on http://kultur.wkstmk.at/comart/Kunsthaus-Graz/Kunsthaus-Graz.htm begining: 02 06 09 19 30 ending: unlimited

5) "datenstrukturen: graz-intern" online: communication project by artists and public, graz-intern and FORUM STADTPARK, Ingrid MOSCHIK and GM KINDLINGER on http://kultur.wkstmk.at/comart/graz-intern/graz-intern.htm begining: 02 06 23 19 30 ending: unlimited

6) "datenstrukturen: Bruno Richard" online: communication project by Bruno Richard, Ingrid MOSCHIK and GM KINDLINGER on http://kultur.wkstmk.at/comart/Bruno-Richard/Bruno-Richard.htm begining: 02 07 17 19 30 ending: unlimited

7) "datenstrukturen: Thomas Rucker" online: communication project by Thomas Rucker, Ingrid MOSCHIK and GM KINDLINGER on http://kultur.wkstmk.at/comart/Thomas-Rucker/Thomas-Rucker.htm begining: 02 07 24 19 30 ending: unlimited

8) "datenstrukturen: Schlacher, Weiz" online: communication project by Anita KREPL und ihrer Klasse, Ingrid MOSCHIK and GM KINDLINGER on http://kultur.wkstmk.at/comart/Schlacher/Schlacher.htm begining: 02 08 24 19 30 ending: unlimited

9) "datenstrukturen: Kalachakra-Graz-2002" online: communication project by "Kalachakra-Graz-2002", Ingrid MOSCHIK and GM KINDLINGER on http://kultur.wkstmk.at/comart/Kalachakra-Graz/Kalachakra-2002.htm begining: 02 11 08 19 30 ending: unlimited

10) "datenstrukturen: st-herbst-2002" online: communication project by "steirischer herbst, Ingrid MOSCHIK and GM KINDLINGER on http://kultur.wkstmk.at/comart/st-herbst-2002/st-herbst-2002.htm begining: 02 12 06 19 30 ending: unlimited

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